Marcus Jones
Eickenroht Elementary School
21st Century Program
Program Purpose & Goals:
Welcome to Eickenroht’s 21st Century Program’s site! The Project S.A.F.E. Program is an afterschool program that will operate at Eickenroht Elementary and is open to Kindergarten through 5th grade students. The program will offer daily homework support, tutorials, academic enrichment, extra-curricular activities, and more. The activities of the program will support the school day curriculum and will give the students the opportunity to grow both academically and socially. It will be staffed by Certified Teachers, Tutors, and Paraprofessionals that all share the same passion to see students succeed and grow. There will also be a focus on community involvement in education and parental engagement with their children. Adult learning opportunities and Family Events will be offered throughout the year.
The purpose of Project S.A.F.E is to improve student achievement in reading/language arts, math and science, improve student attendance, decrease student disciplinary infractions/ referrals and increase parental engagement.
Project S.A.F.E. will provide academic enrichment opportunities for students who attend high needs, high poverty, low performing schools meet state and local standards in core academic subjects. Project S.A.F.E. seeks to increase family and community engagement by creating opportunities for parents and students to learn together. All Project S.A.F.E. programs contain the following key components:
Academics- Reading, writing, math, and science tutorials, homework support, academic clubs
Enrichment- STEM/STEAM activities and student selected classes
Family Engagement-School-to-home learning opportunities and parent selected classes
College and Career Preparation-ACT/SAT test preparation and review, college tours
Program Hours:
Monday - Friday
3:30pm - 6:30pm
21st CCLC Site Coordinator