Stay connected to our PTO!
President – Mecca Muhammad
Vice President – Sherell Gordon
Vice President - Kristin Jasper
Treasurer – Sarah Kahnamouie
Secretary – TBA
Teacher Representatives – TBA
Upcoming Events

Three For Me
"Three for Me"...Volunteer Program
Salyers PTO is continuing to offer a “Three for Me” program to increase volunteerism among parents at Salyers. “Three for Me” is a promise from parent to their child and school to dedicate three hours of school involvement. The parent signs a “Promise Card” and when the three hours are complete, their child will receive an incentive showing their parent’s involvement in their school. More information about this program and the activities where parent volunteerism is essential will be sent home with your child.
Thirty years of research clearly show that parent involvement in schools improves student achievement. To reach their potential, students need parents to take an active role in their education. Schools are working hard to provide a high-quality education for every child. But they can't do it alone. Parent involvement is critical to creating great schools......Three For Me, Inc.