The number one goal of the Spring VIrtual Academy (SVA) is to provide you with the information you need to help your student be successful in the online environment.  In other words, we want to partner with you in your student’s education. 

Who is eligible to enroll? 
SVA courses are available for 7th – 12th grade students to earn high school credit.  

How does my student enroll?
Students may preregister online when registration is open.  However, a student must be approved by the campus counselor prior to enrollment.  Students must contact their campus counselor for more information on the courses offered through the SVA. 

Is there a fee for Virtual Learning Program courses?
There are no fees for SVA courses taken during the regular school year. Fees may apply for summer school courses.

Are there any requirements for Virtual Learning Program courses?
There are only three requirements for enrolling in SVA courses.  The first is that the student be enrolled in Spring ISD. Second, the student must have a reliable computer and Internet access at home. Third, the student
must be willing to commit to at least one hour per day to meet course requirements.

How do I contact my student’s teacher?
Each teacher has specified office hours when students or parents may contact them for immediate assistance by telephone.  Hours and contact numbers are found on the welcome page of every course.  Otherwise, all calls will be returned within 24 hours.  If you prefer to email your student’s teacher, that information is also provided in the same location. 

How do I check grades and attendance?
Grades and attendance may be checked through the Home Access Center. 

When will I receive official grade reports?
Virtual Learning Program grades are included on the district report cards.  The district calendar for each grading period can be found on the Spring ISD website under general information.  Report cards are generally distributed a week following the end of the grading period. 

How does my student earn credit for a virtual course?
Grades earned in a SVA course will apply to the student’s grade point average.  Students must earn a final grade average of 70% or above in order to receive credit.  Credit will be recorded on the student’s transcript.    

What should I do if our Internet is not working?
Please contact us right away so that we are aware of the situation.  There are several area locations that offer free Wi-Fi such as libraries and community centers. Students may also work on their courses on their SISD campuses. Laptops and computers may be available for use at the campus.  

What can I do to help my student?

There are several things that parents can do to help their students be successful in the online environment. 

  • Allow students at least 1 hour per day to work on coursework.

  • Establish a designated place for your student to work. 

  • Check on your student’s progress – including grades and attendance.

  • Ask your student how things are going. 

  • Stay in contact with the teacher.

  • Ask questions when you are unsure of something.

  • Contact us if there is a problem at 281-891-6223.