Virtual Learning Program Benefits

Benefits of the Virtual Learning Program

Flexibility in Your Schedule

When you take a SVA course during the regular school day, outside the regular school day, or during the summer, you will have extra room in your schedule to:

  • Take elective courses each year, including 2-period & 3-period courses

  • Advance to higher levels of courses, including AP courses, Dual Credit courses

  • Enjoy and focus on your elective courses, job, Capstone Project (CWHS) during the day and focus on your academic courses in the evening and/or on the weekends


One-on-One Learning

Earning all of your credits, staying eligible for UIL activities, passing state assessments, and graduating on time is important. When you take an SVA course you will receive:

  • Personal attention from your teacher

  • One-on-one tutoring whenever you need help

  • Learning strategies and techniques to help you be successful


Learning Anywhere, Anytime
When you take an SVA course, you can:

  • Plan your learning around your activities, work schedule, or other responsibilities

  • Develop your own learning schedule, have your teacher develop one, or work together to develop a schedule that meet your needs

  • Take your course at school during an open period or after school anywhere you choose

Extra Benefits
When you choose SVA courses, you have the opportunity to:

  • Earn credits inside and outside the regular school day

  • Graduate early

  • Recover lost credits or earn extra credits

  • Meet graduation requirements, take extracurricular courses, explore other electives, and/or work

  • Learn innovative technology, time management, and personal learning style

  • Prepare for 21st Century Learning and college

  • Enhance time management skills and learn to communicate in an online environment