Counselor's Corner

Who is a school counselor? 

A certified, trained, and caring professional who works with all students, parents, teachers, staff and the community, in order for each student to achieve academic and social success. School counseling services are delivered in four specific ways:

  • School Guidance Curriculum - designing, structuring, and delivering classroom lessons designed to achieve specific competencies in all grades PK-5 (personal/social, academic, career) and driven by the needs of the school population.

  • Student Planning - assisting students with goal formation/planning (behavioral, academic, etc.) through individual and group counseling.

    • Individual Counseling is a process where students discuss issues in a safe, positive, and confidential setting (for a limited time, ongoing therapy is not available at school). Topics are based on the needs of the students and may include: feelings, changing families, peer pressure, friends, stress, academics, social skills, academics, bullying, getting along with others, problem-solving, and decision-making.

    • Small Group Counseling is a process where students, sharing similar issues and concerns, work together in a small group environment consisting of about 4-8 peers. The group sessions usually last about 30 minutes and are held for approximately 6-8 weeks. Topics are based on the needs of the students and may include divorce or changing families, grief and loss, friendship and social skills, study skills, conflict resolution, anger management, self-esteem, and stress-management.

    • Classroom Guidance/Classroom Counseling A process that includes teaching developmental skills using age-appropriate, classroom-based lessons. Topics may include self-esteem, conflict resolution, study skills, anger management, career awareness, tattling/reporting, friendship/social skills, responsibility, respect, teasing/bullying, feelings, cooperation, goal setting/decision-making, and peer pressure.

  • Responsive Services - meeting immediate student needs (counseling, crisis intervention, consultation, referral, peer mediation, information-providing).

  • System Support - school-wide program planning and implementation. As well as consulting with other professionals, coordination of various supports for students and families.

Tips for a Successful Year

  • Help your child set (and reach) realistic, measurable short-term goals.

  • Require your child to clean and organize his/her backpack one day a week.

  • Communicate with teachers about your child’s progress.

  • Create a designated homework area for your child.

  • Make a plan to recognize your child’s academic accomplishments.