Spring ISD Board of Trustees

The Spring Independent School District Board of Trustees last night voted to adopt a $468.9 million 2024-2025 budget – with a provision to fully balance the district’s remaining deficit and provide staff raises if a Voter Approved Tax Rate Election (VATRE) is added to the ballot in November and approved by voters.

The overall operating budget includes approximately $345.5 million in general fund expenditures, $40.7 million in child nutrition expenditures, and $82.7 million in debt service expenditures. Despite strategic cost reductions for 2024-25 totaling $13.4 million, the budget would carry a deficit of $12 million if the VATRE does not go to voters or does not pass at the ballot.

In planning for the 2024-25 budget, the Spring ISD Finance Department worked in collaboration with campus leaders and a cross-functional district team to identify budget savings and areas for improved operational efficiency.

Underscoring the process was the fact that no additional funding was allocated by the state this year. During its last session, the Texas Legislature did not increase the basic allotment Texas schools receive per student. The current allotment is $6,160 per student, which has not been adjusted for inflation.

Read the full story on our News Blog.