Nurse's Note
Hello parents!
Welcome back to Jenkins Elementary. The nurse's office is available to our students as an essential health resource for all of our students. If your child requires any medications, inhalers, etc., please reach out to the health office at (281) 891-8307. You can find additional information on the Spring ISD website
Amy Garcia-School Nurse - Jenkins ES
Jenkins Families please complete the Medical Alert Information Questionnaire
A student who has not previously been enrolled in a school and/or district in the United States must obtain immunizations - to the extent it is medically feasible - before he/she will be permitted to enroll. Thereafter, additional immunizations must be completed as soon as it is medically feasible.
A student entering from another school and/or district in the United States shall be allowed to enroll pending receipt of immunization records. A grace period of no more than thirty (30) days shall be allowed for the school to receive such records. One week shall be allowed for updating incomplete immunization records received during this 30-day period.
The following immunization guidelines are valid for the 2024-2025 school year.
State law and school district policy require appropriate documentation of the following immunizations for all students, regardless of age or program, in Texas elementary and secondary schools.
Documentation of immunizations must include day, month and year. Vaccine doses administered less than or equal to four (4) days before the minimum interval or age shall be counted as valid.
Students 17 months and younger are required to have three doses of DTP/DTaP vaccine. Students 18 months through three years are required to have four doses.
Students four years through six years of age are required to have five doses, although the fifth dose is not necessary if the fourth dose is given on or after the fourth birthday. Students seven years and older are required to have three doses DTP/DTaP/Td vaccine, including one dose received on or after the fourth birthday and one dose within the last 10 years. For students 18 months and older, pediatric DT vaccine may be substituted for DTP/DTaP if the pertussis vaccine is medically contraindicated.
Td booster is required 10 years after the last date. Td booster also applies to pregnant students.
Students are required to show proof of four doses of polio vaccine one of which must have been received on or after the fourth birthday. Or, if the third dose was administered on or after the fourth birthday, only three doses are required. (Polio vaccine is not required for students 18 years of age or older.)
Measles (Rubeola)
Students born on or after September 2, 1991, are required to show proof of two doses of measles vaccine received on or after the first birthday or serologic confirmation of immunity to measles illness or serologic evidence of infection. The two doses of measles vaccine must be administered at least 28 days apart.
Students born prior to September 2, 1991, are required to show proof no later than 30 days past their 12th birthday of two doses of measles vaccine received on or after the first birthday or serologic confirmation of immunity to measles illness or serologic evidence of infection. The two doses of measles vaccine must be administered at least 28 days apart.
One dose of vaccine given on or after first birthday is required for all students under 17 years of age or serologic confirmation of mumps immunity or serologic evidence of infection.
One dose of vaccine given on or after the first birthday is required for all students or serologic confirmation of rubella immunity or serologic evidence of infection.
Haemophilus Influenzae
One dose of Hib vaccine given on or after 15 months of age is required for students 15 months through 4 years of age, unless a primary series and booster (a total of four doses) have been completed prior to or at 15 months of age.
Hepatitis B
Students born on or after September 2, 1992, are required to show proof of three doses of hepatitis B vaccine or serologic confirmation of immunity to hepatitis B or serologic evidence of infection.
Students born on or after September 2, 1988, but before September 2, 1992, are required to show proof by 30 days past their 12th birthday of three doses of hepatitis B vaccine or serologic confirmation of immunity to hepatitis B or serologic evidence of infection.
Varicella (Chickenpox)
Students born on or after September 2, 1994, are required to show proof of one dose of varicella vaccine received on or after the first birthday or a parent or physician validated history of varicella illness (chickenpox) or serologic confirmation of varicella immunity.
Students born on or after September 2, 1988, but before September 2, 1994, are required to show proof by 30 days past their 12th birthday of one dose of varicella vaccine received on or after the first birthday or a parent or physician validated history of varicella illness (chickenpox) or serologic confirmation of varicella immunity. Two doses of varicella vaccine are required if the student is 13 years old or older at the time the first dose is received.
Proof Of Immunizations
Proof of immunizations shall consist of personal records by a licensed physician or public health clinic with a signature or rubber-stamp validation
Exceptions From Compliance
Upon receipt of a certificate or affidavit as specified in the law, exceptions from compliance may be permitted on an individual basis.
Medical Reasons: The student must present a statement signed by the student's physician (M.D. or D.O.), duly registered and licensed to practice medicine in the United States who has examined the student, in which it is stated that, in the physician's opinion, the vaccine required is medically contraindicated or poses a significant risk to the health and well-being of the student or any member of the student's household. The physician's statement must identify the specific vaccine(s) and reasons why they would pose a significant risk to the student or any member of the student's household. Unless it is written in the statement that a lifelong condition exists, the exemption statement is valid for only one year from the date signed by the physician.
Reasons of Conscience, including Religious Beliefs:
If the student's parent or guardian declines vaccinations for reasons of conscience, including because of the person's religious beliefs, the parent or guardian must present to the school a notarized official Texas Department of Health affidavit requesting the immunization exemption. No other forms or reproductions will be allowed. Parents or guardians must request affidavit forms in writing and include the child's full name and date of birth. Written requests for the affidavit must be submitted through the United States Postal Service, commercial carrier, facsimile (512-458-7544) or hand delivery to the Texas Department of Health, Bureau of Immunization and Pharmacy Support, 1100 West 49th Street, Austin, Texas 78756. If the student is transferring from another Texas school and awaiting the transfer of immunization records, including the official TDH vaccine exemption affidavit, Texas Education Agency policy requires a school district to provisionally enroll the student for no more than 30 calendar days. The vaccine exemption affidavit must be renewed two years from the date notarized. Students who have not received the required immunizations for reasons of conscience, including religious beliefs, may be excluded from school in times of emergency or epidemic declared by the commissioner of public health.
Enrolling Of New Students
A student who has not previously been enrolled in a school and/or district in Texas must obtain immunizations - to the extent it is medically feasible - before he/she will be eligible to enroll. Thereafter, additional immunizations must be completed as soon as it is medically feasible.
A student transferring from another school and/or district in Texas shall be allowed to enroll pending receipt of immunization records. A grace period of no more than thirty (30) calendar days shall be allowed for the school to receive such records. One week (7 calendar days) shall be allowed for updating incomplete immunization records received during this 30-day period.
Failure To Comply
The principal shall exclude, but not withdraw, the student for non-compliance. Such absences are unexcused and in violation of compulsory attendance laws.
Este año se ha hecho efectiva una ley del estado de Texas que dice que no se podrá traer para compartir con los alumnos sorpresas comestibles de ninguna especie, exceptuando a su hijo. Esta no es la póliza del distrito o plantel. El estado sugiere sorpresas no comestibles como lápices o borradores para ocasiones especiales. Por favor ayúdenos a cumplir con el reglamento de ley.