Principal's Messages

Cecily Parker
Dear Parents/Guardians,
We hope that you're enjoying the extra time to LOVE ON YOUR LITTLE ONES during this 5-day mini break! We have been testing since the last week of January and our staff and students have made lots of sacrifices to ensure we created a positive and calm testing environment! So proud of our scholars and staff!
We want to send a BIG THANK YOU to the parents who scheduled conferences with your child's teacher(s) this week and on Valentine's Day! We have lots of data to share to show how we are progressing! So, if you haven't had a chance to schedule a conference, please do!
Here are some reports you can ask for:
iReady K-5
mClass K-2
Amira 3-5
BOY and/or MOY PreK-5
Benchmark and Interim tests 3-5
STAAR reports - 4th and 5th graders
Attendance reports
We are on the right track to improving student achievement and changing our current rating! But we still need your continued support and assistance! Practice reading and writing at home and answering questions in complete sentences! These simple academic tips can go a long way! Have your child jump on iReady, Amira or even STAAR Practice Tests for free or other websites such as IXL, MobyMax, Starfall, Boddle Learning, ABC Mouse etc (may need subscription).
Let's be mindful of our state's attendance mandate! Attendance matters and it impacts student learning and our learning environment at school! By law, a student must have a 90% or higher attendance rate. We have seen an increase in student absenteeism. Sadly, this hurts our campus' academic growth, student social development, classroom morale, and classroom instruction/interventions. We must focus on getting our scholars to school each day and on time so please help us out! For those who have their children here every day and on time, ready to learn, we want to say thank you for making learning a priority! Thank you for your commitment to helping Jenkins improve and for supporting your child!
How to prepare:
Encourage your child to review class materials and practice test-taking strategies. Use this link to review STAAR practice tests and materials: STAAR Practice Online Test
Let's have a super fantastic three-day week!
Best regards,
Principal Parker