Advisory Committee on Education (ACE)
What is ACE?
A district’s policy and procedures shall establish a district level planning and decision-making committee. At least two-thirds of the elected professional staff representatives must be classroom teachers. The remaining staff representatives shall include both campus and district-level professional staff members as provided by Education Code 11.251(b)–(e).
The district-level committee shall be composed of one classroom teacher from each elementary school, two classroom teachers from each middle or special school, three classroom teachers from each high school, three other campus-based or District-level professionals who are not classroom teachers, two community members with children attending District schools, two community members without children attending District schools, and two persons who operate businesses.
The committee of elected teachers and non-teaching professionals and selected parent, community, and business representatives shall be established annually.
The committee shall hold at least one public meeting per year. The required meeting shall be held after receipt of the annual district performance report from TEA for the purpose of discussing the performance of a district and the district performance objectives. Education Code 11.252(e).
The committee, to be known as ACE (Advisory Committee on Education), shall meet at least six times during the school year with the Superintendent and/or designee(s).
Contact Us
Spring ISD
Family and Community Engagement Department
17125 Ella Blvd.
Houston, TX 77090
Phone 281-891-6736
Superintendent of Schools
Lupita Hinojosa