Table Talks with the Board

Table Talks was launched to increase engagement and encourage dialogue between our Board of Trustees and campus and district staff members. We identified action items from a variety of topics as a result of the feedback we received.

Curriculum and Resources

  • We are committed to the Amplify and Eureka curriculum materials and will consider adding supplemental resources to support teachers

  • The Academics department has developed internalization documents for Amplify and Eureka to assist teachers with planning effective lessons

Training and Professional Development

  • Departments are collaborating to deliver professional development opportunities beyond those related to curriculum and instruction

  • We will continue to refine learning sessions to ensure they are differentiated

Retention Incentives and Spring Rewards

  • Our Performance Management team is working with Communications on a plan to ensure we communicate the programs effectively

  • We are reviewing the language of stipends to ensure they are communicated effectively

Staff Voice and Feedback

  • The Let’s Talk communication tool allows for two-way dialogue as long as the sender provides contact information. We need an email address or a phone number!

  • For future surveys, we will improve communication regarding autonomy protocols being utilized to ensure responses are anonymous

Opportunities for Advancement

  • This year the district rolled out leadership development sessions open to any staff members

  • The district will actively showcase internal promotions and our leadership pipeline


  • We are always looking for innovative and more effective ways to communicate. We have added Let’s Talk and Sunny, our new chatbot!

  • Our technology department is reviewing existing key email groups to ensure they are updated

Appreciation and Recognition

  • We encourage everyone to nominate fellow colleagues for the Board’s Employee Recognition Award

  • The School Leadership Office is creating a monthly campus staff recognition program to celebrate the great work they do with their students