2016 Bond Archive

The 2016 Bond also incorporated work to benefit all students across the district, including $32 million for technology needs and $18 million for safety and security needs.  In addition, a replacement stadium is being built to serve the entire district for generations to come.

Much of this work began immediately after the bond passed in November 2016.

Students working together using a laptop


One of the primary goals of the Technology portion of the bond program was improved connectivity, enhanced infrastructure and a new telephone system.

The investments include the enhancement of the fiber optic network, purchase of new and replacement network communication appliances throughout the district, and increased hardwired connections in classrooms.

Specifically, the following work has been completed:

  • 2,350 new laptops purchased for all district teachers

  • 5,824 Chrome books distributed to campuses for use by students

  • 3,548 desktop computers replaced on campuses

  • Additional Wireless Access Points added to campuses for fence-to-fence coverage

Photo of security camera

Safety & Security

New buses

As part of its commitment to improving safety, the district used bond funds to purchase 60 additional buses in 2017 allowed it to offer transportation services to 5,000 more students who live between one mile and 1.5 miles from their zoned campus of attendance. All of the new buses are equipped with three-point harnesses.

In 2018, the district replaced another 20 aging and mechanically inefficient buses.

New Cameras and Access Control Systems

The technology for safety and security continues to evolve and improve, making it imperative that the district upgrade and integrate systems.

Some of that work has already taken place, including adding new cameras to campuses. During the 2018-19 school year, Spring ISD is piloting a new RS2 Technologies access control system at three facilities as part of a districtwide project that is being funded by the 2016 Bond.

The new RS2 access control system, which includes intruder alerts, will integrate with the district’s existing Video Insight system and basically allow them to “talk” to each other.

The implementation districtwide will start in the spring and continue over a two-year period until all facilities have been upgraded, beginning at campuses that have been identified with the most immediate needs.   

New Fencing

The district is strategically assessing fencing across the district and will install fencing at locations where site security will be enhanced by this work.

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Districtwide Projects