Guest Teachers (Substitutes)

Eligibility Requirements

Substitute teaching provides an opportunity to gain experience and see first-hand what it takes to be a successful classroom teacher. Substitutes who are certified teachers earn $105 per day, while non-certified teacher substitutes earn $90 per day.

  • Must have a minimum of 48 completed college credit hours (verified via transcript); or a Substitute Teacher Certification from an accredited Texas entity or Service Center.

  • Must be professional.

  • Must possess strong organizational, communication and interpersonal skills.

  • Must be flexible in the job assignment.

Substitute Paraprofessional

We also offer interested candidates the opportunity to substitute for paraprofessionals (clerical and/or teacher's aide) within the district. Paraprofessionals earn $60 per day.

 Eligibility Requirements

  • High School Diploma.

  • Must be professional.

  • Must possess strong organizational, communication and interpersonal skills.

  • Must be flexible in the job assignment.

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Substitute Placement and Absence Management

Spring ISD utilizes Learning Center (formerly AESOP) for substitute placement and absence management. This service utilizes both online and telephone-based systems to communicate available job opportunities. Once you are activated as a Spring ISD substitute, you will receive your account login and PIN number. 

Substitutes who work in multiple districts have the option of creating a 6-digit multi-district PIN to view available jobs in all of the districts where they are registered to serve. From their online account, substitutes can view and accept available jobs, track past jobs, enter non-work days, enter or update contact information, and set campus and calling preferences.

Region 4 Substitute Teaching Online Training Session

To register for the session, please follow these steps:

  1. Visit the website.  You will see a course description and the session ID is 1789647.

  2. Click Register to add the course to your Registration Cart.

  3. Follow the prompts to complete registration.  If you do not have an account, you will have to create a new one during the Checkout process.

You will know you have successfully registered when you see a screen saying ‘Thank you for your registration.’

Please note once you register and pay for the session, you have 30 days from the payment date to complete the course.  Training is approximately 6 hours long. 

It is important that each time you log off the session, you must click “Save” to keep your information, including when you complete the course.

Once you complete the session, you can print your certificate and email it to .