Staff Protocols
Protocols for COVID-19
Staff Guidance
1. A staff member who tests positive for COVID shall inform their supervisor immediately upon receiving PCR or home-test kit test results. It is the staff member’s responsibility to notify their supervisor immediately upon testing positive for COVID.
2. The staff member’s absence due to a positive COVID PCR or home-test kit test is counted against the staff member’s sick or leave time (the staff member will contact their supervisor regarding this issue).
3. If a staff member’s symptoms are improving and they are fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication, then the staff member should return to work.
4. There is no need to notify the Emergency Management and School Safety COVID Team prior to testing.
5. Upon return, no further action is required.
6. We recommend a mask for anyone who may be exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, flu, or the common cold, or who were in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID.