The Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) rewards teachers for meeting or exceeding the district’s pre-determined goals. Read more.
Things to Know
As a potential employee, we want to ensure that you have access to as much information as possible. Below you will find links to information that will assist you as you consider a decision to join Spring ISD.

Are You Ready to Make an Impact?
Thank you for your interest in securing a teaching position with Spring ISD. We are excited that you are interested in exploring teaching opportunities with us!
Students are our main focus, and we need teachers who have a desire to help students learn and reach their full potential. If you are ready to take the first step to becoming a classroom teacher, scroll down to learn more about the process and what makes our school district such a great place to work.
Teacher Selection Process
Candidates who apply early have the best chance of securing a position in Spring ISD. Completed applications will be reviewed not only for professional skills and relevant work experience, but also for evidence of Spring ISD’s values. If you have any specific questions, please email Careers.

Contact Us
Human Resources Department
16717 Ella Blvd.
Houston, TX 77090
Phone: 281-891-6040
Email Careers
Fax: 281-891-6041
One of the highest starting teacher salaries in the Houston area
Teachers who meet specific criteria can qualify for incentives including:
$5,500 Bilingual Stipend
$2,000 Elementary ESL Stipend
$3,000 Secondary ESL Stipend
$5,500 Secondary Math/Science Stipend
$3,000 Adaptive Behavior Special Ed. Teacher Stipend
$3,500 CASE Special Ed. Teacher Stipend
Stipends for Critical Shortage Areas
Teachers can stack stipends for each qualified Critical Shortage Area.