Spring ISD Then and Now
Since 1900 when the first school opened in the Spring area with 30 children meeting in one room, history records a strong commitment to education by the Spring community. Through good times and hard times, education remained a priority for the early German immigrants in the quiet rural area, and their commitment has been a legacy that has continued to this day.
In 1935 the Spring Independent School District was established when accreditation was achieved and “consolidation brought together the Spring and Harrell schools and two schools that served the black communities – Clow Elementary and Spring Elementary and Junior High, which later was called Southwell,” according to Spring ISD historical archives.
The population grew slowly for the next 30 years with only three schools constructed: Carl Wunsche Sr. High School, Spring Elementary School and Bammel Elementary School. In the 1960s the area began to experience a boom period, which necessitated the construction of several new schools. Sixteen schools were built between 1969 and 1986, including Spring and Westfield high schools. Construction slowed down in the 1990s with only two new schools and a show barn being built. Construction picked up again in the 2000s when 44 building projects were completed, including 18 new schools and numerous campus renovations.
Historical records show that the success and safety of students have been priorities that remained constant throughout the years. Although building construction has been an obvious example of community commitment to education, it is important to note that the design and construction of schools has been based on sound instructional practices and increased safety and security.