All About Naviance

  • Naviance is a college and career readiness platform that helps connect academic achievement to post-secondary goals.  Naviance improves student outcomes by helping students connect their strengths and interests to long-term goals today.  



    Self-discovery helps students develop confidence and lays the foundation for their life today, and their future.  By uncovering strengths and unique skills, students will see their own potential.

    • Understand their unique strengths

    • Connect their interests to careers

    • Set goals

    • Develop self-knowledge and personal motivation 

    College Preparation

    By matching students to colleges based on students' interests and goals, and comparing admissions rates at student's top college choices, the Naviance college planning tolls allow students and families to make informed decisions.  Naviance helps students find their best-fit higher education institution.

    • Understand college possibilities 

    • Explore high school specific college admissions stats

    • Match to best-fit colleges

    • Identfy ideal college majors 

    Career Exploration

    Helping students picture their future will help them engage in school today.  The career planning and assessment tolls in Naviance allow students to realize their strengths, goals, knowledge, values, and interests in future careers, to help them work toward a path that is inspiring to them. 

    • Connect interests to career fields

    • Identify best-fit careers

    • Learn from leaders

    • Plan for life after high school 

    Academic Planning:

    Help ensure students are on track to reach their goals.  Naviance offers academic planning tools including complete management of Individual Learning Plans.  Through student, educator and family collaboration, these tools ensure students have the right plan for them in grades 8-12.

    • Create a 4-year course plan

    • Stay on track to graduate

    • Meet academic college entrance requirements

    • Take ownership over their education