Careers background showing peoples photos in circles with the information "outcome driven" "service oritented and relationship centered

Morgan Pease

Angeles Perez

Rick Galetti

Staci Brinkley


Geralyn Mosley (Director of Purchasing, Spring ISD)

Geralyn Mosley (Director of Purchasing, Spring ISD)

Spring ISD is a district very near and dear. I graduated from Westfield High School. I also attended Bammel and Link Elementary. I have run into so many of my former teachers and former classmates that work within the district. It has been a great opportunity to be able to give back to the community that helped raise me up to be the person that I am today. It feels like home.

Paula Mickle (Coordinator, Special Education)

Paula Mickle (Coordinator, Special Education)

In the 10 years that I’ve been here I’ve worked in special education, and been a teacher working with kids with special needs. Kids need access to opportunities. And my biggest thing is that--no matter what the child needs--to get them what they need to succeed and all the opportunities that will help them meet their potential.

Candace Carter (Leaves and Benefits Specialist, HR)

Candace Carter (Leaves and Benefits Specialist, HR)

I like to provide support for people, and I enjoy having the ability to take care of things for our employees so that they can focus on the stuff that’s really important. I have children that are in the district. We live here, and I work here. The things that Spring ISD is doing and the way that I have seen our administration invest in things that are really important, like putting students first, that’s important to me as a parent and community member.

Breea Wiltz-Foster (Bus Attendant, Transportation)

Breea Wiltz-Foster (Bus Attendant, Transportation)

I am a bus attendant in Spring ISD because I have a passion for children. I love what I do. When you’re working, you’re interacting with the children, and you get to know them, you build those relationships. For children with special needs, that consistency is important, because they depend on us to be here. I have children, so I want to make sure I’m treating everybody’s children the way I want my children to be treated when I’m not with them. I try to be who I want my kids to encounter.