Points of Pride

Vol. 33 No. 5/December 2023

The Spring ISD Board of Trustees met at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, December 12, in person, and streamed via video conferencing, to address items on the agenda. President Justine Durant called the meeting to order. The Spring Leadership Academy Color Guard led the presentation of colors, with Cadet Zyan Williams leading the pledges to the flags. Carrying the United States Flag was Bravo Platoon Leader Cadet Jessica Ezuma. Carrying the Texas Flag was Cadet Brenda Longares. The Front Rifle Guard was Cadet Harry Chadden. The Rear Rifle Guard was Cadet Manuel Grandez. The Spring Leadership Academy Color Guard instructors are Roy Simpson, Dante Ricardo, and Roosevelt Wilson.


Since January 1984, the Board has recognized students and staff for major accomplishments beyond the District with Points of Pride awards. ABCD awards are presented to individuals or groups that go Above and Beyond the Call of Duty.

Points of Pride, ABCD Awards and Spotlights

Spotlight – 2023 Superintendent’s Holiday Card Contest Winners

Trustees began with a Spotlight highlighting the results of the 2023 Spring ISD Superintendent’s Holiday Card Contest, showcasing the top winners from across the district. The contest is an annual event that rotates between elementary and secondary campuses every other year to give a wider range of students a chance to compete and have their artwork featured on the district’s official annual holiday card.

Director of Performing and Visual Arts Dr. Joe Clark was on hand to announce this year’s winners and to congratulate them along with their teachers. In addition to an enlarged keepsake print of their artwork, each winning student also received a gift bag filled with high-quality art supplies to inspire and encourage them as they continue their artistic journeys.

The 2023 winners of the Superintendent’s Holiday Card Contest include:

1st Place
Student: Annamaria Busti (2nd grade)
Campus: McNabb Elementary School
Teacher: Morgan Hargrove

2nd Place
Student: Hannah Huynh (4th grade)
Campus: Anderson Elementary School
Teacher: Corey Tay

3rd Place
Student: Michael Arshad (4th grade)
Campus: Booker Elementary School
Teacher: Sierra Schriefer

Spotlight – Indigenous Peoples Writing Contest

The month of November is National Native American Heritage Month, and on October 9th of this year, Indigenous Peoples’ Day was celebrated across America. The day is intended to honor the sovereignty, resilience and extraordinary contributions that Native Americans have made to the world.

The district’s Indigenous Peoples Writing Contest welcomes submissions from kindergarten through 12th grade students. During October and November, students were engaged in researching, writing, revising, and submitting their essays. The completed projects were then judged on facts presented, personal reflection, central idea and thesis with supporting evidence, and overall organization.

During the presentation, all of this year’s participants were acknowledged for their commitment to nurturing a more profound knowledge and appreciation of the diverse identities present both within the Spring ISD community and across the country.

This year’s winners include:


  • Ana Lucia Rodriguez (3rd grade) of McNabb Elementary (English Entry)

Middle School:

  • Angela Ruiz (8th grade) of Springwoods Village Middle School (Spanish Entry)

  • Devin Jordan (6th grade) of Claughton Middle School (English Entry)

High School:

  • Jeremiah Lindsey (11th grade) of Carl Wunsche Sr. High School (English Entry)

Point of Pride – NSHSS College Counselor Service Award

Finally, the Board presented a Point of Pride recognition in honor of Westfield High School College Counselor Dr. Clara Thompson, who received the 2023 College Counselor Service Award from the National Society of High School Scholars.

This is Dr. Thompson’s second time to be named a winner of the prestigious national award.

The College Counselor Service Award was created by the National Society of High School Scholars (NSHSS) to honor hardworking counselors who have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to preparing students for success in college and in life.

It is given to only three college counselors nationwide each year, with awardees having demonstrated themselves to be steadfast advocates for their students, role models for their peers, and outstanding leaders both on their own campus and in the field of education.

Founded in 2002 by the grand-nephew of Alfred Nobel, the National Society of High School Scholars has inducted more than two million members from over 170 countries. The group recognizes academic excellence among high-achieving scholars, offering a wide array of resources supporting transitions from high school to college, and college to career. 

The NSHSS College Counselor Service Award also comes with a $1,000 cash prize that Dr. Thompson is reinvesting in the Westfield High School College and Career Center, where she works to ensure every student is ready to pursue their dreams and achieve success after high school.

Superintendent's Report

Superintendent Dr. Lupita Hinojosa began by sharing a video of highlights and interviews from the Winter Wonderland literacy event at the district’s Planet Ford Stadium.

“It was such a joy,” Hinojosa said. “We had 16 different departments that put up the tents and had different projects for our children to participate in, and actually be able to take their goodies home with them. And as you know, and you heard, the hallmark of this is spreading the love and joy of literacy.”

She added her thanks to all those who helped secure a grant through the American Federation of Teachers Reading Opens the World program, which ultimately brought some 40,000 books and other resources to the district to help boost literacy efforts and ensure students have access to quality, age-appropriate, and exciting reading material.

The superintendent also thanked Executive Director of Family and Community Engagement (FACE) Tranita Carroll and her team for making the event a success again this year.

“They have worked tirelessly,” Hinojosa said. “We get the opportunity to go on the day of and enjoy. But this work starts in the summer – and the planning of the work, and getting everyone organized – so a special thanks to Ms. Carroll, the entire FACE Department, and every single central office department that came out and set up the tents and allowed our children to have some fun.”

Hinojosa also mentioned the regional robotics competition held the previous Saturday at Claughton Middle School, where the school’s polytechnic program includes classes in robotics.

“This competition drew student competitors from districts across our region, and, thanks to our partnership with Exxon Mobil, they were able to help us coordinate this event,” Hinojosa said.

She also reminded trustees about the Blue Santa event coming up later in the week, hosted by the Spring ISD Police Department and held at Academy Sports and Outdoors in Spring. The special holiday tradition offers a specially selected group of Spring ISD students the chance to take part in an Academy shopping spree.

“This program is one of the several initiatives under our police department's Dream Makers program,” Hinojosa said, “a districtwide student leadership and mentoring program designed to encourage and reward students for acts that increase the quality of life on their campus and within their community. So just a huge shout-out to our Spring ISD police department and our sponsors for their efforts to continue to provide these opportunities for our students and families.”

Hinojosa concluded her remarks with warm wishes for a happy holiday season, and a reminder about the Spring ISD School Choice application period open through Jan. 4. For more information or to apply for a Spring ISD School of Choice, visit: springisd.org/choice.

Trustees Remarks

At each regular board meeting, during Opening Remarks, each board member is given the opportunity to share information with those present.

Deborah Jensen
Position 1

Kelly P. Hodges
Position 2

Justine Durant
Position 3

Winford Adams Jr.
Position 4

Rhonda Newhouse
Position 5

Carmen Correa
Position 6

Natasha McDaniel
Position 7

Trustee Natasha McDaniel discussed her experience taking part in the recent “Day of Awesomeness” event at Marshall Elementary School.

“The name was fitting,” said McDaniel, who volunteered to help run activities and enjoyed watching students have a chance to relax and celebrate. “We talk a lot about testing and scores and data, but making that time for them to just be kids was just so great to see.”

She thanked Principal Shimona Eason for welcoming her during the event, and praised teachers whose classrooms she also had a chance to visit while on campus.

Trustee Dr. Deborah Jensen praised the work of students involved in Carl Wunsche Sr. High School’s Floral Design program, and also spoke about attending the ribbon-cutting event at Momentum High School’s new campus.

“This is just an amazing place,” Jensen said. “They can pick their times that they attend the high school. They can go at their own speed. They get quite a bit of individual attention, and half of the fun was just meeting the students – and some of them were graduating that day, and it was an exciting day.”

Vice President Winford Adams Jr.  described his visit earlier in the evening to Westfield High School, where band students were putting on a small-ensemble showcase including trios, quartets and quintets that gave students the chance to hone their performance skills while preparing the special music for the event.

President Justine Durant mentioned the quality – and quantity – of books given out during this year’s Winter Wonderland literacy event. She extended her thanks to Executive Director of Family and Community Engagement Tranita Carroll – whose office oversees the annual event – and expressed the district’s gratitude to the American Federation of Teachers, whose generous grant supported the donation of some 40,000 books. 

Durant also thanked campuses and district staff for all their hard work leading up to Winter Break, including the many end-of-semester events and performances.

“This is always a busy but exciting time of year,” Durant said. “I think we've had something almost every day on our calendars, but it's really heartwarming, you know, to see the collaboration – how this village is supporting our scholars – and it's really exciting.”


Audit Committee provides update

Assistant Secretary Rhonda Newhouse provided a brief update, explaining that the district’s internal auditor, Patricia Rios, met with the committee the week prior to the board meeting to present a mid-year progress report on current audit activities for the 2023-24 fiscal year.

Board Governance Committee provides update

Trustee Dr. Deborah Jensen said the committee met on Nov. 27, at which time Trustee Natasha McDaniel presented information regarding board policy FOB(Legal) – pertaining to student discipline and out-of-school suspensions – and its application locally in light of the district’s commitment to providing excellent, equitable outcomes for all students in Spring ISD. That discussion will continue and include a review of both local board policy and the student code of conduct.

The committee is also continuing its focus on advocacy work related to ongoing legislative issues – including school vouchers and related proposals – and moving forward on the creation of a Student Governance Fellowship pilot for Spring ISD, initially as an extension of the existing Superintendent’s Student Advisory Committee.

Equity Committee provides update

Vice President Winford Adams Jr. discussed ongoing district professional development efforts around cultural awareness, including upcoming staff trainings currently under development. An upcoming presentation to the full Board will cover the training curriculum in more depth.

Community Engagement Committee provides update

Board Secretary Kelly P. Hodges discussed the recent Building Bridges and Table Talks meetings, the feedback from which the committee will further discuss at its next meeting in January. General information about the Building Bridges and Table Talks meetings, along with an overview of some of the previous meetings, can be found under the Outreach Efforts section of the Spring ISD Board of Trustees webpage at the following links:

  • Building Bridges with the Board

  • Table Talks with the Board.

Action Items and Presentations

2023-2024 Employee Engagement Survey Results

The Board received an update and overview of Spring ISD’s 2023-2024 Employee Engagement Survey results. Central goals of the Employee Engagement Survey include:

  • Measuring the level of engagement of Spring ISD employees

  • Identifying areas where employee engagement can be celebrated as well as opportunities for improvement

The anonymous survey was open Oct. 16 - Nov. 5. Email invitations with survey links were sent to Spring ISD employees. Paper surveys were also available on request. Reminders were sent throughout the survey window with an emphasis on the anonymity of survey responses.

Jacqueline Lewis, the director of research at K12 Insight, the district’s partner for the survey, presented an overview of the results to the trustees, which showed slight increases in overall engagement as well as an increase in the percentage of employees who reported being “Highly Engaged” in their work in Spring ISD. Survey responses also showed gains in the overall confidence and trust employees had in campus and district leadership and the district’s efforts to communicate clearly and transparently while also giving Spring ISD employees the chance to feel heard, recognized, and valued for their personal contributions and ideas.

A few summary highlights from the presentation included:

  • 92% of survey respondents strongly agreed or agreed they are engaged in their work

  • 89% find their work interesting

  • 64% of employees said they see professional growth and long-term career opportunities with the district

  • 64% feel optimistic about Spring ISD’s future

  • 80% of participants were classified as "Highly Engaged" or "Engaged"

In all, 3,672 employees responded to this year’s survey, an overall response rate of 74%, which represented an increase of 7% from last year. Further follow-up will include presentations during upcoming meetings with district principals on how the data and survey results can be utilized on campuses to improve employee experience and support district goals and student success.

Overview presentation of Spring ISD’s K-8 Mathematics and Reading Language Arts Curriculum

Trustees were provided with an update and overview of Spring ISD’s K-8 Mathematics and Reading Language Arts Curriculum. The presentation – which aimed to provide an overview of what the curriculum is and how it is implemented – covered a range of topics, including:

  • Creation of Curriculum Documents

  • K-8 Core Curriculum

  • Use of Assessments and Interventions

  • Professional Learning Communities

  • Special Populations

  • Professional Learning and Development

Spring ISD’s Curriculum Framework plays a vital role in shaping the educational experience of students and in ensuring the district's ability to meet its goals and strategic objectives. The comprehensive plan outlines the strategies for curriculum customization, development and implementation, and serves as a roadmap for instructional delivery and adapting instruction to the unique needs of every learner.

The curriculum's scope and sequence elements ensure consistency and alignment within the educational standards for K-8 Mathematics and Reading Language Arts, as outlined by The Texas Education Agency (TEA).

Athletic Director Search Process Update

James Guerra, the president and CEO of JG Consulting, attended the meeting to provide the trustees with an update and overview of the search process for the district’s new director of athletics, conducted by the district in partnership with JG Consulting over the past several months.

In other action, the Board approved:

  • Minutes from the Nov. 4, 2023 special called session; Nov. 9, 2023 work session; Nov. 14, 2023 regular meeting; and Nov. 16, 2023 special called session;

  • 2024-2025 Education Planning Guide (Recurring Item);

  • Internal Audit Mid-Year Progress Report for FY 2023-2024 (Recurring Item);

  • Memorandum of Understanding Between Sam Houston State University and Spring Independent School District (Practicum Students);

  • Memorandum of Understanding Between Tarleton State University and Spring Independent School District;

  • 2023-2024 Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC), Cycle 11 Notice of Grant Award (NOGA);

  • Interlocal Agreement with TASB Benefits Cooperative;

  • Memorandum of Understanding Between the National Center for Grow Your Own and Spring ISD for “Grow Your Own” Technical Support;

  • Request for Proposal (RFP) #24-009 – Arts Integration Services;

  • 2023-24 Waivers;

  • Resolution to vote for Bruce A. Austin for the position of Harris Central Appraisal District Board of Directors representing all Harris County school districts except Houston ISD; and

  • Taxpayer Refunds (Recurring Item).