Vol. 33 No. 4/November 2023
The Spring ISD Board of Trustees met at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, November 14, in person, and streamed via video conferencing, to address items on the agenda. President Justine Durant called the meeting to order. The Carl Wunsche Sr. High School Honor Guard led the presentation of colors, with Cmdr. Madeline Ray leading the pledges to the flags and carrying the United States Flag. Carrying the Texas Flag was Melissa Sanchez. The Left Rifle Guard was Cmdr. Alyson Nation. The Right Rifle Guard was Sylvia Contreras. The Carl Wunsche Sr. High School Honor Guard is led by instructors Lykethia M. Collins, Edward Price and Harish Waterman.
Since January 1984, the Board has recognized students and staff for major accomplishments beyond the District with Points of Pride awards. ABCD awards are presented to individuals or groups that go Above and Beyond the Call of Duty.
Spotlight – Spring ISD’s Annual Hispanic Heritage Month Program and Competition
The evening began with a Spotlight honoring some of the top district winners in this year’s Spring ISD Hispanic Heritage Month Program. This year's competition was anchored by the theme of "Posterity, Power, and Progress," reflecting both the enduring legacy and the forward momentum of Latino and Hispanic culture.
Social Studies Curriculum Specialist Samba Goddard was on hand to help recognize winning students, along with others who contributed to making this year’s event a success.
The district recently hosted a celebration of Hispanic heritage at Carl Wunsche Sr. High School in honor of the annual Hispanic Heritage competition, showcasing Spring ISD’s commitment to honoring and celebrating its diverse heritage. More about the event – including a photo gallery and a list of this year’s winning entries – can be found at the link below.
Spotlight – National Parental Involvement Month
With Nov. 16 as this year’s National Parental Involvement Day and the month of November as National Parental Involvement Month, Spring ISD’s Family and Community Engagement Department and many campuses around the district are finding special ways to send district parents and guardians a message of thanks for all they do on behalf of Spring ISD schools and students.
The annual observance raises awareness about the importance of family involvement in education and highlights the positive impact it can have on student achievement.
Dr. Karen Mapp, a noted national expert on the impact of family engagement, states that, “We need to see families and community members as co-creators and co-producers of the excellent schools that we want – for all of our children.”
From helping with homework, or attending parent-teacher conferences, to volunteering on campus or for school events, the district believes that every parent or guardian has a unique and valuable role to play in their child's education.
By participating in this special observance, schools can celebrate the contributions of parents and volunteers, promote the importance of family and community involvement in education, encourage collaboration and partnerships, and promote the value of public education as a force to strengthen and build up communities.
A special note of thanks went out during the meeting to Executive Director of Family & Community Engagement Tranita Carroll, who together with her team plays a vital role in connecting Spring ISD schools to the community and connecting community members and families to campuses.
Point of Pride – Westfield High School Principal elected to TASSP Board of Directors
The Board presented a Spring ISD Point of Pride recognition to Westfield High School Principal Laura Hunter, who was recently elected to serve as the 2023-24 Region 4 representative on the Board of Directors of the Texas Association of Secondary School Principals (TASSP).
Founded in 1923 and celebrating its centennial this year, the group’s work involves both educational and charitable activities, with a primary aim of promoting the advancement of secondary school education and providing a clearing-house for discussions bearing on the unique challenges and issues of secondary school operations.
TASSP also serves as the sponsoring organization for the Texas Association of Student Councils and the Texas Association of Future Educators, and works both to promote student council participation and to encourage students across the state to consider becoming teachers and joining the ranks of education professionals in Texas.
As noted during the meeting, Principal Hunter has been a respected member of TASSP for many years. Spring ISD trustees and district administrators congratulated her on her elected role to the board of directors, and for her involvement in educational leadership at both the regional and state level.
Spotlight – Special Education Department Compliance
Spring ISD is celebrating the continued achievements in federal and state compliance of the district’s Special Education team, under the leadership of Dr. Thelissa Edwards. Members of the department have worked tirelessly to accomplish growth and progress over the past three school years, with the goal of optimizing the achievement of all students with disabilities.
Like most school systems across the country, Spring ISD has experienced a shortage in recent years of special education personnel – including teachers, educational diagnosticians, speech and language pathologists, and school psychologists. Despite these significant shortages – which were exacerbated by the pandemic – and the challenges that have impacted requirements around special education, Spring ISD has continued to achieve increased compliance based on federal and state standards.
On October 31, 2023, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) reported that Spring ISD has been identified as 100% compliant specific to three of the four assessed federal indicators, including SPPI-11A (timely initial evaluation), SPPI-12 (early childhood transition), and SPPI-13 (secondary transition) for the 2022-23 school year. Spring ISD also increased its federal compliance from 89.59% (in 2021-22) to 93.1% (in 2022-23) in SPPI-11B (eligibility determination - timely ARD meetings).
Trustees congratulated Edwards and her entire team for their efforts to ensure that every student in Spring ISD receives access to equitable, excellent outcomes and the chance to achieve their full potential.
Superintendent's Report
Superintendent Dr. Lupita Hinojosa began her remarks by talking about the Spring ISD Education Foundation’s perennial event, the Grant Express. Teachers from across the district apply for grant funding from the Education Foundation. A committee selects the recipients, and then members from the district as well as the Foundation surprise the teachers who have been selected. Recipients included teachers and other staff from Westfield HS, Dekaney HS, Spring HS, Hirsch ES, Dueitt MS, Bailey MS, Winship ES, Wunsche HS, Northgate Crossing ES, Claughton MS, Momentum HS, and Bammel ES.
Dr. Hinojosa then went on to mention that November is National Parent Involvement Month, and recognized the valuable contributions that parents and caregivers provide for our students and school community. She also mentioned that Spring ISD is back to the level of pre-pandemic volunteering, with nearly 10,000 hours of volunteer hours logged.
She then recognized all three of the Spring ISD comprehensive high school football teams for making it into the playoffs this season.
“To our coaches and student athletes, we are so very proud of all your hard work and tenacity in making this achievement,” she said.
She then went on to mention that School Choice Applications are currently open, and that all of the Schools of Choice are hosting showcase events on campus in the coming weeks. The deadline for applications is January 5.
She also mentioned that the community is being asked to vote on two options for the 2024-2025 instructional calendar. The survey can be found at
She finished her remarks by wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and restful Thanksgiving Break.
“We are so grateful, so very grateful for your continued support of your child's schools and of our district,” she said. “And most importantly public education. We appreciate your support. In all ways that you show it at your campus or here at the district level.”
Trustees Remarks
At each regular board meeting, during Opening Remarks, each board member is given the opportunity to share information with those present.
Deborah Jensen
Position 1
Kelly P. Hodges
Position 2
Justine Durant
Position 3
Winford Adams Jr.
Position 4
Rhonda Newhouse
Position 5
Carmen Correa
Position 6
Natasha McDaniel
Position 7
Assistant Secretary Rhonda Newhouse began the remarks by mentioning that she had missed the last month’s board meeting and had to cancel a field trip to her family ranch with veterinary students at Wunsche High School, due to her husband undergoing an emergency surgery. She then shouted out the horticultural students at Wunsche who sent her a floral arrangement wishing her and her husband well.
“It was beautiful. My husband was amazed,” she said. “It brought tears to his eyes.”
She then mentioned the field trip had already been rescheduled for the spring.
Trustee Natasha McDaniel spoke next, mentioning her attendance at the Superintendent’s Student Advisory Committee meeting, which held its first meeting of the school year earlier this week. The Superintendent’s Student Advisory Committee was established in 2015 to help establish a student-centered voice for the district, and has remained a vital part of the district’s strategy.
“When you actually listen to our kids and give them the space to collaborate and share their thoughts and step into leadership, [it is clear] we are in good hands,” Trustee McDaniel said.
She also mentioned her attendance at a Texas Association of School Boards event the previous week in El Paso, and mentioned that she would be sharing with the other board members the things she learned while in West Texas.
Board President Justine Durant then mentioned that one of the projects stemming from that trip would be a Student Governance Committee that will have students from Spring ISD partnering with the Board of Trustees.
She then went on to also commend the Family and Community Engagement (FACE) department for their work throughout the year. She also mentioned the Veterans Day Breakfast, which was hosted by the department.
“It was wonderful. We had a good turnout, an excellent guest speaker, a really good breakfast, and I thought it was just really well done,” she said. “And I've had several people comment to me on what a great event it was, and how much they loved the speaker and everything that we offered that day.”
She then mentioned a few other projects of the FACE team, including the Building Bridges with the Board session, set for Thursday, Nov. 16 at 6 p.m., the Northwest Assistance Ministries Holiday Toy Drive, and the Hispanic Heritage Month contest and celebration at Spring High School.
She also mentioned that she had, along with a few of the other trustees, gotten the chance to see Chicago: Teen Edition by the Westfield theater students.
“Our students did an amazing job. Just their acting, their voices, were outstanding,” she said.
She finished her remarks by mentioning her involvement with the National Technical Honor Society induction earlier in the month, which included 250 students from across the district.
Vice President Winford Adams, Jr. then gave some remarks, including his attendance at both the Westfield High School’s production of Chicago but also the Spring High School production of Seussical. He thanked all of the staff members involved with putting in extra work for these productions, like bus drivers and mechanics and other staff members.
He then went on to discuss the school voucher bills that are currently being discussed in the Special Session of the Texas Legislature.
“If you have an opportunity to call your state representative, and reach out to the legislators and let them know how you feel. You may not feel the way I do,” he said. “I think it's good for them to hear any feedback from the community.”
Trustee Dr. Deborah Jensen then offered some remarks on all the events happening in Spring ISD, including the winning artworks from the Hispanic Heritage Contest which are displayed in front of the board room at the district’s administration building. She also spoke about the event held to honor those winners earlier in the month.
“I don't know when I've had more fun with the music and spontaneous singing and that sort of thing,” Dr. Jensen said. “They actually got me out on the floor and dancing, and all of you know that was a real accomplishment!”
Audit Committee provides update
Assistant Secretary Rhonda Newhouse explained that the Audit Committee had met, together with the Superintendent and the district’s internal auditor, Patricia Rios, to review 44 recently completed audit projects from around the district, all in good standing. Newhouse noted that, in December, trustees will receive a mid-year progress report and revised audit calendar for the remainder of the current academic year.
Equity Committee provides update
Vice President Winford Adams Jr. presented a suggestion from the committee to review certain board governance policies in light of the district’s equity work, including FOB (Local), pertaining to student discipline and out-of-school suspensions. In addition, he noted that, in December, the trustees would receive a report and update related to ongoing teacher professional development and cultural awareness training.
The committee is also exploring the cost-feasibility of conducting a new equity audit to measure progress, identify challenges, and seek new opportunities to engage with staff and students around equity, cultural awareness, and related topics.
Community Engagement Committee provides update
Board Secretary Kelly P. Hodges explained that the committee had not met since its last formal update, but had remained busy working in partnership with the district’s Family and Community Engagement department, including for the recent Veterans Day breakfast event held at the Randall Reed Center at the district’s Planet Ford Stadium facility.
Hodges thanked all those who attended and took part, as well as thanking Family and Community Engagement Executive Director Tranita Carroll and her team for all their planning and work that went into making the event successful.
Hodges also highlighted the ongoing series of Building Bridges with the Board and Table Talks with the Board events, and invited stakeholders to take part in upcoming events.
Information from previous Building Bridges and Table Talks meetings can be found under the Outreach Efforts section of the Spring ISD Board of Trustees webpage, at the following links:
Building Bridges with the Board
Table Talks with the Board
Action Items and Presentations
Board approves Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the Year Ended June 30, 2023 and Independent Auditor's Report
The Board of Trustees approved Spring ISD’s Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the Year Ended June 30, 2023 on Tuesday evening, together with the accompanying Independent Auditor's Report.
The Annual Comprehensive Financial Report serves as the district’s report of its financial operations to the Board of Trustees, taxpayers, grantor agencies, employees, the Texas Education Agency (TEA), and other interested parties and stakeholders. The report is prepared annually by Spring ISD’s Office of Financial Services in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and reporting standards as promulgated by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB).
The Independent Auditor's Report, conducted by accounting firm Whitley Penn, is designed to help guarantee the reliability of the district’s financial statements, and to assure stakeholders that they can rely upon the district’s official financial statements to make informed decisions.
Previous years’ financial reports, together with a range of other materials related to the district’s commitment to transparency and accountability, can be found at Spring ISD’s Financial Transparency webpage.
In other action, the Board approved:
Minutes from the Oct. 5, 2023 board work session; Oct. 17, 2023 regular meeting; Oct. 21, 2023 special called session; and Oct. 30, 2023 special called session;
Memorandum of Understanding Between ExxonMobile Foundation Houston STEM Centers and Spring Independent School District;
Texas Workforce Commission Child Care Local Match Contribution Agreement (Recurring Item);
First Amendment to Agreement Between The University of Texas at Austin – Cockrell School of Engineering – “Engineer Your World” and Spring Independent School District;
Houston Endowment Project Support Grant for Spring ISD Talent Strategic Planning;
Houston Endowment Project Support Grant for Spring ISD Opportunity Culture Models;
Second Reading of TASB Local Update 121 – Proposed Revisions Affecting the Following Board Policies:
Request for Proposal (RFP) # 22-010 (SUP2) – Restaurants and Catering Services;
2023-24 First Budget Review (Recurring Item);
Financial Update – Actual Expenditures – September 2023 (Recurring Item); and
Modifications to Auxiliary Pay Grade 1 and increase to the hourly salary of custodians to align with market survey data.