Spring ISD is committed to empowering pregnant and parenting students to succeed academically while managing their unique responsibilities as parents.
Pregnancy Related Services (PRS)
Mission Statement
The mission of Pregnancy Related Services (PRS) in Spring Independent School District is to support pregnant and parenting students by providing resources and assistance that encourage school attendance, improve graduation rates, and foster strong parenting skills. Our services aim to help students navigate the academic, emotional, and physical adjustments required for parenthood.
Services Overview
Spring ISD offers a range of Pregnancy Related Services (PRS), including Compensatory Education Home Instruction (CEHI), to assist eligible students during pregnancy and the postpartum period. This program supports both male and female students as they balance their roles as students and parents, helping them achieve high school graduation and prepare for future college and career goals.
Compensatory Education & Home Instruction (CEHI)
CEHI provides academic support for students confined at home or hospitalized due to medical necessity during pregnancy or postpartum recovery. This instruction is delivered face-to-face by a certified district teacher and ensures students can maintain academic progress while temporarily unable to attend on-campus classes.
PRS Eligibility and Services
Pregnant and/or parenting students enrolled in Spring ISD are eligible for PRS services. Eligibility also extends to students who have experienced a miscarriage or placed their baby for adoption.
Our comprehensive support approach includes:
Coordination of services tailored to individual needs.
Prenatal and parenting education.
Monitoring of academic progress, attendance, and engagement.
Collaboration with counselors, nurses, teachers, and families to ensure a smooth transition through prenatal and postpartum periods.
PRS Support Services Available
Examples of services offered include:
Counseling support, including the initial disclosure of pregnancy.
Health services provided by school nurses and other professionals.
Instruction centered on parenting skills, child development, and maintaining a healthy and supportive home and family environment.
Case management and coordination of resources, connecting students to community organizations and government services.
Personalized Support Features
Development of a tailored education plan addressing academic, medical, and social needs.
Compensatory Education Home Instruction (CEHI) during a six-week postpartum recovery period.
Parenting education on child development and family living.
Assistance in accessing prenatal and postnatal health programs, nutritional resources, and additional community services.
Courtney Allen Redford
Project Director - Early Learning Academy & Pregnancy Related Services