Districtwide Projects

Picture of security door

Safety and Security

  • Shooter detection system

  • Door repairs/replacements

  • Security cameras

  • Radio system infrastructure

  • Gates, fencing, emergency key boxes

  • Window coverings

  • Window films and vestibule safety upgrades

  • Video intercoms

  • Metal detectors

  • Vape detection

Technician inspecting server

Technology Upgrades

  • Network Infrastructure

    • Switch equipment  

    • Cabling refresh

  • Enhanced cybersecurity upgrades

  • Telephone upgrades

  • Instructional technology 

    • Document cameras

    • Charging stations

    • Classroom audio systems

    • Teacher laptops

    • Student Chromebooks

School buses lined up and parked

School Buses and Fleet Vehicles

  • Regular and Special Education buses

  • Fleet vehicles

    • 12 light duty

    • 4 heavy duty

  • 19 police vehicles

We are replacing 25 regular education buses and 35 Special Education buses.

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