Elementary Grading Guidelines
Standards Based Grading for Grades Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten:
Spring ISD is excited to expand Standards Based Grading for the 2021-2022 school year in grades Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten. Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten will report grades using the standards based approach with 4 Progress Reports, one every nine weeks, available for parents through our Spring ISD Parent Portal. In addition to 9 week Progress Reports/Report Cards for both Pre-K and Kindergarten, parents will receive a report showing student progress toward Reading Acquisition and Numeracy Skills every 4-6 weeks.
Traditional Grading for Grades 1-5:
With the traditional grading system, many elements are combined to determine your child's grade – test scores, quizzes, completed homework, classroom participation, coming to school on time, extra credit – then, the average of the semester's work equates into a percentage that correlates with a specific letter grade
Students are given one grade per content: Math, Science, Language Arts, Social Studies
A=90%-100% B=80%-89% C=75%-79% D=70%-74% F=69% and below
The traditional grading scale is universally recognizable. Virtually everyone is familiar with the concept and can understand what is meant by a simple letter grade
The simple nature of the traditional grading scale makes it accessible to teachers, students, and parents
Numbered or lettered grades make it easy to track a student’s success throughout their educational career.
They provide a clear line for passing/failing
What is Standard Based Grading?
A Standards Based Grade reporting system is designed to inform you about your child’s progress toward achieving specific learning standards. The Texas Essential Knowledge Standards establish high and challenging expectations for all students. They describe what students should know and be able to do and serve as the basis for the Spring ISD curriculum, instruction, and assessment model.
Allows students to be aware of what they are expected to learn and their progress of specific learning goals (or Texas Essential State Standards).
Calls for a clear identification of what students should know and be able to do. Increased clarity in terms of student learning goals quite naturally calls for increased accuracy in terms of assessment, grading and record keeping.
Provides parents with a more detailed outline of their student’s growth and achievement.
Uses rubrics to grade which give a specific breakdown of the skills assessed on a given test or assignment.
Teachers are able to use ongoing formative assessments as a way to guide classroom instruction. Students are able to practice their mastery of standards without the penalty of receiving a poor grade in the grade book. The process of reteaching creates an opportunity for both teachers and students to learn from their mistakes
Standards-based grading allows teachers to clearly communicate with students and parents where individuals are with their understanding of each concept. No longer are students able to hide behind weighted averages and positive academic behaviors such as attendance.
Additional grading guidelines can be found here: 2021-2022 Student/Parent Handbook)