The Library Card # is 300 + the capitalized first letter of your last name + your student ID number.
The PIN is the two-digit month and two-digit day of the your birth date.
Example: Your name is Jane Doe, born July 1, 2005 (07/01/2005), Student ID number 1111000, the login credentials are:
Library Card #: 300D111000
PIN: 0701
Faculty and Staff:
The Library Card # is 301 + the capitalized first letter of your last name + your employee ID number.
The PIN is the two-digit month and two-digit day of the your birth date.
Example: Your name is Jane Doe, born July 1, 2005 (07/01/2005), Employee ID number 1111000, the login credentials are:
Library Card #: 301D111000
PIN: 0701