Teacher Incentive Allotment

The Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) rewards teachers for meeting or exceeding the district’s pre-determined goals. In the TIA, "teacher" is defined as an educator who meets the following eligibility requirements:

  • Pre-K through 8th Reading and Math

  • 5th and 8th grade science

  • 8th grade social studies

  • High school EOC courses:

    • Alg 1

    • US History

    • Biology

    • ELA 1 and 2

  • ECSE and CASE Special Education self-contained teachers that provide instruction in any of the above approved courses.

  • Special Education Co-Teachers and eligible teachers that provide push-in or pull-out support but do not have a classroom of record are also eligible if they provide support to at least 10 students throughout the year.

  • Employed in a job position is a PEIMS role ID of 087 in the year of data capture and TIA payout

  • Teaches students for at least 50% of contracted day

  • Meets the Creditable Years of Service 

    • Employed and compensated for at least 90 days at 100% of the day;

    • 180 days for 5-99% of the day (or the equivalent of one semester); or

    • Paid leave days and professional development days count towards the year of service.

Additionally, the educator must have earned a T-TESS rating of proficient or higher in each dimension of Domain 2 (Instruction) and Domain 3 (Learning Environment) at the end of the data capture year. 

Teachers must have also met or exceeded the district’s pre-determined student performance standards as demonstrated on STAAR/STAAR ALT II, MAP, Circle, or mClass assessments.

Three designation levels, including Recognized, Exemplary, and Master, are used to determine awards. The range of award amounts are as follows:


$7,000 - $16,000

$15,000 - $29,000

The Designation Funding Map does not show the exact allotment amount an employee will earn. The amounts shown are only an average for Spring ISD.

A teacher’s performance level is determined by student performance assessments and a teacher’s T-TESS performance in Domain 2 and Domain 3.

The following methodology was used to determine teacher designations:

A teacher, as previously defined, must have at least 55% for Recognized, 60% for Exemplary, and 70% for Master of students meet growth and be rated proficient or higher on each dimension of T-TESS Domain 2 and Domain 3 to be eligible for a TIA designation.

The final cut points are based on the weights of 65% for Student Growth and 35% for T-TESS. The formula for determining a teacher’s overall points is listed below.

(Percentage of students meeting growth * 65 weight) + (Percentage of T-TESS * 35 weight) = Overall Points

Ex: (58% * 65) + (3.8/5 * 35) = 37.7 + 26.6 = 64.30 = Recognized

No Designation: Below 61.65
Recognized: 61.65
Exemplary: 66.30
Master: 77.00

National Board Certified Teachers will earn a Recognized designation and an award ranging from $3,000 to $9,000, depending on the socioeconomic status of the campus’s students and the campus’s rural status. To learn more about the TIA and National Board certificate, click here

All TIA award payouts will be distributed in August.

For additional questions, contact tia@springisd.org.